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Dawn Gay / My blog

Donating a few pounds of flesh

October 23, 2012

Just over a month ago when the world’s press were keeping themselves titillated by topless pictures of royals, I volunteered to do some bare modelling of my own for charity.

It was a bright Saturday afternoon at my mare Eve’s stables in Roxwell, Essex, when yard manager Andrea popped her head over the stable door and asked if Nick and I would like to be snapped in a calendar photo shoot.

We volunteered without hesitation when we found out that every penny of the project goes to cancer charities Cancer Research UK, Macmillan Cancer Support and Farleigh Hospice.

We were introduced to the photographer, Kelly Bond, who flicked through the days’ shoot on her digital camera to reveal reels of naked bods with precariously placed stripy Newmarket rugs, flashing farriers and rosettes hiding wobbly bits. It was then that the penny dropped that we had volunteered to star in a rustic retake of Calendar Girls.

So, with no time to think or back out, I was down to my Bridget Jones-style granny pants and in front of the lens with Eve’s enormous long face expertly placed in front of my modesty.

Nick was a natural naturist posing with two black Labradors on the steps of the Old Piggery. A few clicks, a packet of Polo mints (to placate Eve) and some expert airbrushing of granny pants later – Mr and Mrs January have made their modelling debut. We have even had our photograph sponsored by generous local electrical firm, Smart Merchants Ltd.

Last week the new calendar – All for the Love of Life – was launched after lots of dedication and hard work by Andrea and her team in memory of loved ones lost through this heartbreaking illness. And sorry, no sneak previews, you’ll have to buy it to ogle!

Hopefully you are now poised to buy a copy and celebrate life – and the odd bit of cellulite – with us. Find out more on Facebook at facebook.com/CharityCalender [sic], donate on Just Giving and keep an eye out for the new All for the Love of Life website where you’ll soon be able to order online. It’s £5.99 and all proceeds go towards putting an end to cancer.

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